Terms of Service

Below, you will find our general terms and conditions of sale. These will apply whenever you use our website or place an order through it. The conditions contain important information for you as a buyer. Please read them carefully before placing an order through our website. We recommend that you save or print these conditions so you can refer back to them later.

21st Sales Partners B.V., operating as tech4you.store, headquartered in Houten, Netherlands, and registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration number 90091027. The VAT identification number is N0296674E.

Website: the tech4you.store website, accessible at tech4you.store.

Customer: the customer who either enters into a contract with tech4you.store in the course of their professional or commercial activity, or who has registered on the site. The customer is a consumer, non-professional, or professional within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code.

Agreement: any contract, agreement, or arrangement between tech4you.store and the customer of which the general terms and conditions of sale form an integral part. General terms and conditions of sale: these general terms and conditions of sale.

Article 1. Applicability of the general conditions
1.1 The General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all offers, agreements, and deliveries of tech4you.store , unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

1.2 If the customer includes in their order, confirmation, or acceptance communication provisions or conditions that differ from the general conditions or are not included in them, these will only be binding on tech4you.store if expressly accepted in writing by tech4you.store .

Article 2. Prices and Information
2.1 All prices stated on the Website and in other documents of tech4you.store include VAT and, unless otherwise stated on the Website, all state taxes.
2.2 The prices stated do not include shipping costs.
2.3 The content of the Website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, tech4you.store cannot guarantee that all information appearing on the website is correct and complete at all times. Therefore, all prices and other information appearing on the website and in other documents of tech4you.store are subject to obvious programming and typographical errors.
2.4 tech4you.store is not responsible for differences (in color) due to the quality of the display.
3.4 tech4you.store may, within the limits of the law, verify whether the customer is able to fulfill its payment obligations, as well as all relevant facts and circumstances for concluding the agreement responsibly. If, based on this examination, tech4you.store has sufficient reasons not to conclude the agreement, it has the right to reject an order or request for good reason or to establish special conditions, such as payment in advance.

Article 3 - Formation of the Agreement
3.1 The agreement is concluded when the customer accepts the offer from tech4you.store and fulfills the conditions set by tech4you.store 3.2 If the customer has accepted the offer electronically, tech4you.store immediately confirms the receipt of the acceptance of the offer electronically. Until the receipt of this acceptance is confirmed, no sales contract is concluded, or the customer has the option to rescind the agreement.
3.3 If it turns out that the customer has provided false information when accepting or forming the agreement, T tech4you.store shall only be entitled to fulfill its obligations once it has received the correct information.
3.4 tech4you.store may, within the limits of the law, verify if the customer is able to fulfill their payment obligations, as well as all relevant facts and circumstances to conclude the agreement responsibly. If, based on this examination, tech4you.store has sufficient reasons not to conclude the agreement, it has the right to reject an order or a request for a good reason or establish special conditions, such as payment in advance.

Article 4 Registration
4.1 To make optimal use of the website, the customer can register through the registration form or access their account on the website.
4.2 During the registration procedure, the customer chooses a username and a password that will allow them to log in to the website once registered. The customer is responsible for choosing a sufficiently secure password.
4.3 Customers are required to treat their registration information, username, and password as strictly confidential. tech4you.store is not responsible for the misuse of login information and always assumes that a customer registering on the site is indeed the customer in question. Everything that happens on the customer’s account is the responsibility and risk of the customer.
4.4 If the customer knows or suspects that their login information has fallen into unauthorized hands, they must change their password as soon as possible and/or inform tech4you.store so that appropriate measures can be taken.
4.5 If the customer knows or suspects that their login information has fallen into unauthorized hands, they must change their password as soon as possible and/or inform tech4you.store so that appropriate measures can be taken.

Article 5 Execution of the Contract
5.1 Once the order is received by tech4you.store , tech4you.store will dispatch the products in accordance with section 3 of this article as soon as possible.
5.2 tech4you.store is entitled to entrust third parties with the fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract.
5.3 The website will clearly indicate, with sufficient advance notice before the conclusion of the contract, how delivery will be made and within what timeframe the products will be delivered. If no delivery period has been agreed or indicated, the products will be delivered within a period of 30 days in any case
5.4 If tech4you.store cannot deliver the products within the agreed period, the customer will be informed. In this case, the customer may accept a new delivery date or have the option to rescind the contract without any costs.
5.5 tech4you.store recommends that the customer check the delivered products and immediately report any defects, preferably in writing. In this regard, see also the article on warranty and conformity.
5.6 As soon as the products have been delivered to the indicated delivery address, the risk associated with these products is transferred to the customer. If expressly agreed otherwise, the risk is transferred to the customer beforehand. If the customer decides to collect the products, the risk is transferred at the time of product delivery.
5.7 tech4you.store is entitled to deliver a similar product of similar quality if the ordered product is no longer available. In this case, the customer has the right to rescind the contract at no cost and return the product at no cost.
5.8 Each delivered product remains the property of tech4you.store until it has been fully paid for.

Article 6 - Right of Withdrawal
6.1 This article applies only to customers who are natural persons and who do not act in the exercise of their professional or commercial activity.
6.2 The customer has the right to withdraw from the distance contract with tech4you.store within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the product, without giving any justification.
6.3 The period begins on the day following the receipt of the product by the customer or by a third party other than the carrier and previously designated by the customer, or:

i. if the customer has ordered several products in one order: the day on which the customer or a third party designated by the customer received the last product;

ii. when the delivery of a product consists of different shipments or parts: the day on which the customer or a third party designated by the customer receives the last shipment or part;

iii. for contracts that provide for the regular supply of products over a specified period: the day on which the customer or a third party designated by the customer receives the first product.

6.4 The direct costs of returning the goods are borne exclusively by the customer. Therefore, the return costs of the goods are borne by the customer. Any shipping and payment costs paid by the customer will be refunded if the order is returned in its entirety.
6.5 During the withdrawal period mentioned in paragraph 2, the customer must take care of the product and its packaging. The customer will only open the packaging and use the product to the extent necessary to inspect the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the product. The principle is that this inspection should not go beyond what would be possible in a physical store.
6.6 The Customer shall only be liable for any depreciation of the Product resulting from handling beyond what is authorized in the preceding paragraph.
6.7 The customer may withdraw from the contract within the period mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article by sending the withdrawal form (digitally) to tech4you.store or by any other unequivocal means to tech4you.store . tech4you.store will acknowledge receipt of this notification in the case of digital notification. After withdrawal, the customer still has 30 days to return the product. It is also possible to return the product directly during the reflection period mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article, provided that the withdrawal form or any other clear statement of withdrawal is attached.

To initiate your return, please send an email to contact@tech4you.store. Please include your name, order number, and the serial number of the item to be returned.

6.8 Any amounts already paid (in advance) by the customer will be refunded as soon as possible and, at the latest, within 30 days following the termination of the contract, using the same payment method employed by the customer to pay for the order. If the customer has opted for a more expensive delivery method than the cheapest standard delivery method, tech4you.store is not obliged to refund the additional costs associated with the more expensive delivery method. Unless tech4you.store intends to recover the product itself, tech4you.store may wait to make the refund until tech4you.store has received the product or until the customer demonstrates that they have returned the product, whichever occurs first.

6.9. The website will clearly indicate, with sufficient advance notice before the conclusion of the contract, whether the right of withdrawal applies and, if so, what procedure is required.

Article 7 Payment
7.1 The customer must make payments to tech4you.store according to the payment methods indicated in the ordering process and, if applicable, on the website. tech4you.store is free to choose the payment methods offered, which may also be modified from time to time. The contract will only be concluded upon full payment of the order amount.
7.2 In the case of payment after delivery, the customer has a payment period of 14 days from the day following the delivery. If the customer fails to meet their payment obligations on time, they will be responsible, after formal demand by tech4you.store and a 14-day period to fulfill their payment obligations, for legal interest on the amount still owed in case of non-payment within this 14-day period, and tech4you.store will have the right to invoice the extrajudicial collection costs it has incurred. These collection costs amount to a maximum of: 15% of the unpaid amount up to 2,500 euros; 10% for the next 2,500 euros and 5% for the next 5,000 euros with a minimum of 40 euros. v may deviate from these amounts and percentages in favor of the customer.

Article 8 Warranty for Purchases Made by Customers Acting Outside Their Profession or Business.
8.1 This Article 8 applies only to Customers who do not act in the exercise of their profession or business. If tech4you.store provides a separate warranty for the products, this warranty will apply to all types of customers, without prejudice to the foregoing.

8.2 tech4you.store guarantees that the products conform to the contract, to the specifications indicated in the offer, to the reasonable requirements of usefulness and/or suitability, as well as to the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force at the time of the formation of the contract. If agreed upon, tech4you.store also guarantees that the product is suitable for a use other than normal.
8.3 The legal conformity warranty is due to the customer for a period of two years from the delivery of the products. During this period, the customer may request the repair or replacement of the products purchased on the tech4you.store website if they are defective or do not conform to the description. If the delivered product does not correspond to what was agreed, the customer must inform tech4you.store within a reasonable period after noticing the defect.
8.4 If tech4you.store deems the claim justified, the products in question will be repaired, replaced, or refunded after consultation with the customer. The customer may also choose to keep the product and receive a refund of part of the price. The maximum compensation corresponds to the price paid by the customer for the product, taking into account the article on liability.
8.5 If subsequent performance is carried out by means of a replacement delivery, the customer is obliged to return to tech4you.store , at tech4you.store 's expense, the first goods delivered within a maximum period of 30 days. The return of defective products must be made in accordance with legal provisions. tech4you.store reserves the right to claim damages under the conditions provided by law.

Article 9: Warranty for Professional Purchases
tech4you.store guarantees that the products conform to the agreement, to the specifications indicated in the offer, to the reasonable requirements of usefulness and/or suitability, as well as to the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force at the time of the formation of the agreement. If agreed upon, tech4you.store also guarantees that the product is suitable for a use other than normal. Otherwise, it is understood that the product is suitable for normal use.
9.1 If the delivered product does not correspond to what was agreed upon at the time of purchase, the professional customer must inform tech4you.store no later than 10 days following delivery. If the customer fails to do so, they will no longer be able to assert their rights to repair, replacement, etc., if the product was not compliant at the time of delivery.
9.2 If tech4you.store deems the claim justified, the affected products will be repaired, replaced, or partially refunded after consultation with the customer. The customer may also request the cancellation of the contract.
9.3 In accordance with Articles 1484 and following of the Civil Code ("On the guarantee for hidden defects or encumbrances of the sold item"), the warranty period against hidden defects applicable to professional customers who exercise their professional activity in the same specialty as tech4you.store , shall be six (6) months from the delivery of the products (Article 1490 of the Civil Code), after which, the actions arising from Articles 1484 and following of the Civil Code shall be extinguished."

Article 10 - Complaint Procedure
10.1 If the customer has a complaint regarding a product (in accordance with the warranty article) and/or other aspects of tech4you.store 's services, they may submit a complaint to tech4you.store by phone, email, or postal mail. Contact details are provided at the end of the general terms and conditions.
10.2 tech4you.store will respond to the customer's complaint as soon as possible and no later than within 3 days following receipt of the complaint. If it is not yet possible to provide a substantive response or a definitive response, tech4you.store will confirm receipt of the complaint within 3 days following receipt and provide an estimate of the likely date by which a substantive response or a definitive response to the customer's complaint will be provided.
10.3 Customers who do not act on a professional or business basis may also submit a complaint through the European Online Dispute Resolution platform, accessible at http://ec.europa.eu/odr/.

 Article 11 - Liability
11.1 tech4you.store 's liability to the customer is limited to foreseeable average damages typical of the contract and directly resulting from the nature of the goods.
Articles 11.2 to 11.9 apply only to customers who are natural or legal persons acting in the exercise of their profession or business. Article 11.10 applies only to customers who are natural or legal persons not acting in the exercise of their profession or business.

11.2 tech4you.store 's total liability to a professional customer for proven breach of contract is limited to a maximum compensation of the agreed price for the contract in question (including VAT).
11.3 tech4you.store is not liable to the customer for claims for damages, regardless of the grounds on which a claim for damages may be based. However, the restrictions mentioned in this article do not apply if the damage is due to intentional or gross negligence by tech4you.store .
11.4 tech4you.store shall not be liable in the case of slight negligence for the breach of non-essential contractual obligations. However, it is liable in the case of slight negligence for the breach of essential obligations. Essential obligations are those which the contract must grant to the customer according to its content and purpose. tech4you.store is also liable for the breach of obligations whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose observance the customer may rely.
11.5 The aforementioned limitations of liability do not apply in the case of injury to life, physical integrity, or health, in the case of defects subsequent to the assumption of a product quality warranty, and in the case of fraudulently concealed defects. Legal liability for the product shall not be affected.
11.6 If tech4you.store 's liability is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives, and agents.
11.7 tech4you.store 's liability to the customer for proven contractual breach only arises if the customer promptly and in writing notifies tech4you.store , in proper form, of the setting of a reasonable deadline for remedying the delay, and if tech4you.store fails to fulfill its obligations at the end of this period. The request must contain as detailed a description as possible of the delay so that tech4you.store can react appropriately.
11.8 The prerequisite for a right to compensation for damages is always that the customer notifies tech4you.store of the damage in writing as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days of its occurrence.
11.9 In the event of force majeure, tech4you.store is not obliged to reimburse damages suffered by the customer.
11.10 tech4you.store is only responsible for its own content on the website of its online store. To the extent that links allow access to other Internet sites, the seller is not responsible for external content presented there. tech4you.store does not appropriate external content. If the seller becomes aware of illegal content on external websites, access to these pages will be blocked immediately.

Article 12. Retention of title in commercial purchases by the professional customer
12.1 All goods delivered shall remain the property of tech4you.store until all claims that tech4you.store has against the professional customer (including collection costs and corresponding interest) have been paid in full. 
12.2 Before said transfer of ownership, the professional customer is not authorized to sell, deliver, or otherwise transfer these objects except in the course of their normal business activities and for the normal purpose for which these objects are intended. Additionally, the professional customer is not authorized to pledge these objects or grant third parties other rights over them until ownership of these objects has been transferred to the professional customer.
12.3 The professional customer is obliged to carefully preserve the objects delivered under retention of title and to consider them as identifiable property of tech4you.store .
12.4 tech4you.store has the right to reclaim the objects delivered under retention of title that are still in the possession of the buyer if the professional customer does not ensure timely payment of the invoices or if they have or are at risk of having payment difficulties.
12.5 The professional customer allows tech4you.store free access to their goods at all times for inspection and/or exercise of tech4you.store' s rights.

Article 13 - Personal Data
13.1 tech4you.store processes the personal data of the customer in accordance with the privacy policy. This can be found here: Link privacy

Article 14 - Final Provisions
14.1 Spanish law applies to the contract concluded between the consumer customer and tech4you.store . Dutch law applies to the agreement concluded between the non-professional or professional customer and tech4you.store . Except for mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, all disputes arising from the contract between a non-professional or professional and tech4you.store shall be submitted to the competent Dutch court of the district in which tech4you.store has its registered office. For consumers, the territorially competent court is, at the customer's choice, either the court of the place of actual delivery of the product, or the court of the place where the damage occurred, or the court of the place where the customer resided at the time of conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event, or the court of the place where tech4you.store is domiciled.

14.2 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is declared invalid or deemed unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the General Terms and Conditions as a whole. In such a case, the parties shall define one or more new provisions that correspond as closely as possible to the intended purpose of the original provision.
14.3 In these General Terms and Conditions, the term "written" also refers to communications by email, provided that the identity of the sender and the integrity of the email are sufficiently proven.

Contact Information

If, after reading these terms, you have any questions, complaints, or comments, please feel free to contact us in writing or by email.